Check the booking calendar below for availability before requesting a performance date. We are now booking Fridays and Saturdays. Make sure to study the booking requirements below as well. Generally speaking, we are not booking concert performances for days other than Friday and Saturday evenings. We book a wide variety of genres, and favor folk, jazz, blues, and world music. We give first preference to original music. Tribute, or cover bands are rarely booked. Contact booking manager, Greg Gaughan at greg@jameyshouseofmusic.com for booking. Please do not call for bookings or leave messages on Facebook as they will be overlooked.

You may not see the booking calendar below due to your browser. In that case, click on the link https://kvisit.com/Ng/m7mmAQ to open in a new window.

We get many requests from agencies and independent touring groups that have no local fan base or name recognition and are unable to draw a reasonable audience, therefore we only book groups that can guarantee a minimum draw. This is a cooperative effort. We rely on you to work to bring people in the door, and we will provide you with a unparalleled place to perform your music. We look for openers to guarantee a 10 seat draw, co-bills to draw 20 each, headliners 30 seats, and solo acts to draw 40 minimum. If fewer than 10 tickets have been sold two days before the date of the performance, we reserve the right to cancel the show, and refund advance sales, although we rarely will do so. We do not often have opening acts for logistical reasons. If you are a booking agent, we expect that you will not overexpose your act in this market. For example, we recommend a 1 month/30 mile lockout when routing, unless it is a big name with big draw potential. This is a serious listening room, and we operate on slim margins, so we can not afford an empty room. If you are seeking exposure in a new market, try some of the music bars in the region instead.

If you have booked a show and fail to generate good ticket sales, it is expected that you will honor your committment to perform. Our reputation is on the line as well as yours. Our audiences expect consistency, and we do not like to fill scheduling holes at the last minute, or worse, have to close for the night. We rarely rebook an act that cancels without good cause. Thank you for your professionalism. In more than a decade, we have only had to cancel one show for an internal emergency. We love a full house as much as you do. We do not have a built in audience, so it is important that you or your publicist independently publicize your show to ensure a good turn-out. We operate on a tiny to non-existent margin and do not have an advertising budget. We hope that you take it upon yourself to promote to your fans. Our commitment is to provide a great place for you to play, and do what we can to promote to our extensive mailing list and FaceBook followers.

Please contact booking manager, Greg Gaughan at greg@jameyshouseofmusic.com for booking. As you can imagine, we are deluged with requests from around the world. Please be patient when making submissions. We are very selective and take our time when filling dates. We will contact you only if we will offer a date. Please submit CD or music URL's such as YouTube videos, EPK, website URL along with local venues played, current regional bookings with pending dates, requested dates and an estimated draw.

Once a date has been confirmed, we need copy for the show listing and a high res image for our promotion right away. If we do not receive timely materials, we will harvest the internet for info to post, and will not revise the listing subsequently.

Please follow that up with an input list, and one poster sent to our mailing address above. Again, we will only contact you or your agent if offering a date. We don't need a contract to proceed unless you insist on one. We prefer to proceed on an honor basis, to show the respect and trust that has largely disappeared from the music business. Again, once we have confirmed a date, we will need links to promo material, info specific to your booking with us, and input list and a poster if available to promote your show. It's never too early to begin your publicity push. Note: We will create a Facebook event and add you as a cohost. Please don't create your own separate event. We book up to a year in advance but only post shows one to two months out. Remember, we have a full backline, so you can travel light.

Here are links to a high res downloadable text logo and a high res downloadable image logo. We do not keep a media list as such information changes too fast for us to keep up, but industry lists are available to bookers on the internet.

Our compensation structure for Friday and Saturday concerts is a flat 70% of the gate from dollar one, and no cap (and 100% merchandise sales) against a $100 minimum guarantee at a $25 and above price point. We split 60% at $20 (65% if more than 25 combined tickets are sold) and 50% at $15 (55% if more than 25 combined tickets are sold), which is our price floor. We do not penalize for less than expected draws. Co-bills split the draw. Openers are paid a flat $50 deducted from the draw. Payout is made at the end of the evening by check. Average advance ticket prices run between $20 to $25. We will price tickets in coordination with the act. Higher ticket prices and higher minimum guarantees are negotiated for national touring name acts. Pay-per-view ticket revenue is split 50%. There is no PPV option on Thursday nights due to production costs. Please note that all terms and prices are subject to change without notice.

There is never a cover charge for the Sunday Blues Brunch, but there is a $5 food/drink minimum.

A maximum of 4 comps are available for headliners and co-bills. The press is always free. Volunteers and interns are always free. (NOTE: There are no comps available while we are at limited capacity due to Covid.)

This is an award winning, artist friendly room. We have 100% positive feedback from our performers and guests, and garner great reviews from the press. We go out of our way to make your evening a showcase event of the highest caliber. so you can sound your best, have fun and connect intimately with your audience. We re-book groups based on the overall quality of the show, audience response and turnout. We are an ASCAP, SESAC and BMI licensed venue. If you are unfamiliar with our layout, you may take a virtual tour on Facebook.

Attention guitarists! I know you love the sound of your single coils - all raw and chimey, but you won't like them at Jamey's. Especially with all your expensive pedals. We are located adjacent to high voltage transmission line towers, and next door to a cell tower - so be prepared if you play single coil pickup instruments, especially with a compressor pedal and an amp with a high gain first tube stage, for an annoying warbling noise due to the high EF/EMF/RF interference. It's nasty, but tolerable in some cases. There is no effective way to shield from it, as it is well within the near field of the lines. Flipping the phase on one pickup may help a little - but those coils are ideal antennas as you will see. We have installed lower gain NOS mil grade first stage tubes in our amps, which helps with noise at the expense of "crunch." Fender guitars with stock pickups are notorious offenders. P90's are just as bad. If you play an instrument with true humbuckers, stacks or split coils, this will not be an issue. I recommend highly that you also consider sheilding the pickup and control cavity of all your guitars with copper foil tape that is grounded to the common ground at the jack. It will work wonders. Caveat emptor!

Here is a list of acts presented by Jamey's (with many appearing multiple times):

Animus / Yareli Urbina Incendio Illumination Band Alfred James Band
Michael London Suzanne Teng Stephen Wise Dena Marchiony / James Wade
Saith Julia Othmer / Jonny Griparic Lew Doty Wynne Alexander
Annabella Wood Siora Phyllis Chappell HuDost
Mandala Nicki Jaine Catherine Marie Charlton Robin Renee
Adelante Ester Nicholson Juniper Trio Fairy Elaine Silver
Bert Lams / Tom Griesgraber Barbara Montgomery Daniel Abdal Hayy Moore Pamela Whitman
Charlie Phillips Nikos Dimitriadis Edge City Collective Neal Phillips
Woody Lissauer Ameranouche Deb Callahan Band Jeffrey Werbock
Woz and Friends Samadhi Kirtan Electric Diamond Sharon Sigal
Siriom Singh Mark Sobol Band Yofiyah Craig Eisendrath
Minas Storytools for Peace Toni Catlin Relationship Theater
Andrea Brachfeld Stephen DiJoseph Sherry Canary and the Kool Kats Lizanne Knott / Glenn Barratt
Cantabile Phil Roy Lost in Holland Jeni and Billy
Birdie Busch Carol Moog Band with Don Evans Journeys of the Wolf Craig Bickhardt
Vlada Tomova and Balkan Tales Steve Fox John Conahan Randy and Marianne Sutin
Charlie Imes Revolutionary Snake Ensemble Reflections on Grotowski Anirban Dasgupta
Jason Wilber Ollin Yoliztli Calmecac Epiphany Project Sistermonk Harem
Darrell Gilbert Nahid Salahshour Anne Stokes Hochberg Moira Smiley and VOCO
Alex DePue and Miguel DeHoyos Sharon Silverstein Madhu Nanduri Miss Tess - Bon Ton Parade
Rosi Golan Nate Campany Mia Dyson Orphan Trains
The Bowmans Don Slepian Stereoshruti - HangHang Spiritgrass
Rabbi Shawn Zevit Hot Club of Philadelphia Tom Bissinger Gypsy Reel
Ken Ulansey Ensemble Gina Kaz Tania Alexandra Whenshewakes
Fiidla Sam Rossitto - Lotus Tattoo Ray Gray Hipnosis
Stephanie Nilles Jacques Pellarin Trio Beau Django Beaucoup Blue
Chris Cubeta - Liars Club Shaily Dadiala Dance Frank Hoier Weber Brothers
Kabir Green Allison Williams / Chance McCoy Lauren Pelon Stephane Wrembel
Rebecca Loebe Raina Rose Alash Ensemble Aimee Wilson - Factorye
Marc Black Lisa Bouchelle Dave Boutette PJ Pacifico
Lili Anel Trio Hemiola 1.0 with Ken Field Rogues and Raconteurs Lisamarie McGrath / Tania DeVizia
Steve Giordano Spacetet Phil Putnam Suzie Brown Gathering Time
Sanjoy Banerjee Loop 2.4.3 Subhajyoti Guha Whitetop Mountaineers
Paper Raincoat Tripping Lily Steve Gorn / Yousif Sheronick Lenny Seidman Tabla Choir
Christabel and the Jons Glen Velez and Lori Cotler Red Molly Dan May Band
The Kennedys Anne McCue Band Anthony da Costa CocoSol
EJ Simpson Ravenna Michalsen InnaRae Guy Svitanya
Coleman Barks David Darling Delaney Gibson The Whirling Dervishes of Istanbul
Anthony da Costa Fishatank Ensemble Jess Klein / Matt the Electrician David Berkeley / Jessy Tomsko
Emir Ersoy / Eylem Pelit Robby Ameen / Bob Franceschini Iona Xande Cruz and Batukis Band
Samuel James The Honey Dewdrops Abby Ahmad Joe Fletcher
Joe Ciresi / Trudy Graboyes Father John D'Amico Trio Theatre Dzieci Tres Compadres / Inez Korff
Fontaine Cooley Rachael Sage / Dave Eggar Jim Boggia Nate Rylan
Nora Jane Struthers Peter Paulsen Quintet Angel Band Little Toby Walker
Jay Gullo Pat Wictor Barnaby Bright Nik Everett
The Melton Brothers Seth Glier Shane Hines Kruno Spisic Gypsy Jazz Trio
Brent Lindley Blame Sally Mack Bailey / Rachel Levy Flash Rosenberg / Michaela Majoun
Alexandra Day Band Preston Reed Dirk Hamilton Georgie Jessup
Round Mountain Music Lauren Hart Brendan Hogan duoJalal
The Winterlings Carolann Solebello Anna Coogan Sarah McQuaid
Lydia Warren Peter Bradley Adams Rob Morsberger Ben Arnold Band
Andreas Kapsalis Trio Jon Pousette-Dart Burning Bridget Cleary Sarah Lee Guthrie / Johnny Irion
Heather Maloney Ike Susan Steen Brittany Rotondo
The Spinning Leaves Tom Goss Tracy Grammer SONiA disappear fear
Eric Taylor Rupert Wates Christine Lavin JD Malone
Dan Navarro / David Glaser Gaye Adegbalola / Roddy Barnes Joe Jencks Greg Greenway
Bill Toms Carsie Blanton Buskin & Batteau David Jacob Strain
Dave Eggar Gina Sicilia Band Leon Redbone David Bromberg
Meg Braun Sharon Goldman Vicki Genfan Bob Beach / Jim Klingler
Joel Rafael Christie Lenee Amy Speace Moch Pryderi
Danielle Miraglia Hymn For Her Francis Dunnery Tony Messina
Ange Boxall Joe Crookston Erik Balkey / Annie Donahue Aztec Two-Step
Lisa Chavous and the Philadelphia Blues Messengers Truth and Consequence One The Waymores
John Flynn Spuyten Duyvil Zach Brock and the Magic Number Connor Garvey
Putnam Smith Zoe Mulford Sultans of String Maki Itami
Cliff Eberhardt James Lee Stanley Tim Grimm Krista Detor
Andreas Kapsalis and Goran Ivanovic Guitar Duo Skip Denenberg

Laura Cheadle Band

Vance Gilbert
Meg Hutchinson Mike + Ruthy Dala Alice Peacock / Danny Myrick
Timothy Hill Sarah Peacock Harpeth Rising The Nields
Dani Shay Liz Longley Angela Easterling Bei Bei
Catie Curtis Jonathan Edwards Magdaliz Roura and her 7 Piece Latin Band Crisol Harmonious Wail
Victoria Spaeth and the Spaeth Cadets Angela Sheik Larry Hanks / Deborah Robins Jim Patton / Sherry Brokus
Chris Reilly Dan Nosheny Lori Lieberman The Carpenter Ants
Maryann Price Johnny Kay and the JK Rockets Katie Barbato Shane Alexander
Jim Dragoni Andy Pratt Chuck Anderson Trio Jon Herington Band
Orion Freeman Ginger Coyle Lisa and Lori Brigantino Nuala Kennedy Trio
Don White Atwater-Donnelly Paul Geremia Audrey Auld
Kim & Reggie Harris Twangtown Paramours Bryan Bowers Mikey Junior - Stone Cold Blues
The Sweetback Sisters Meg Braun Brittany Ann Tranbaugh Angelo M
Elise Dadourian David Amram Tony Trischka / Skyline Susan McKeown
Don & Ryan We're About 9 Bob Sima Poor Old Shine
Louisa Wise Catherine MacLellan Boris Garcia Ondyne's Demise
Lussuria Michael Braunfeld Jill Salkin Quartet Philly Gumbo
Chuck Schaeffer & Full Moon Howlin' Liz Miller Johnny's Dance Band Del Rey
DisCanto Sharon Katz & the Peace Train Jim Femino (Uncle Sexy) The Amigos Band
Runa Kinan Idnawi Les Sampou Peter Grist Dance
Fito Vivien Lacy James Band The Lightyears Emiko
Scott Sharrard and the Brickyard Band Old Man Luedecke Gillian Grassie Marc Berger and Ride
David Newman Brad Cole Band Kelley Hunt The Bombadils
James Keelaghan Victor Wainwright & the Train Seamus Kennedy Calen Perkins
Ami Yares Jackson Howard Ursula Ricks Project Peter Karp Band
Judy Sings The Blues Kelly Meashey/Dylan Taylor quartet Dukes of Destiny Mark Erelli Band
Aaron Nathans & Michael Ronstadt Skip Denenberg & Scott Tattar On Axis Rob Balducci Band
Urban Acoustic Coalition Acoustic Almshouse Last Chance Kami Lyle
Chandler Travis Three - O Bobby Kyle and the Administers Lonnie Shields Bovine Social Club
King Taylor Project Julia Othmer Dustin Douglas and the Electric Gentlemen Bobby Messano Trio
Chuck Hawthorne Dave Orban & the Mojo Gypsies Johnny Never & John Colgan-Davis Kicking Down Doors
Bill Hangley Jr Larry McKenna Quartet Dave Posmontier Quartet Visible@Night with Dave Weiner
No Fuss and Frathers Greg Farnese Quartet Rockin Johnny Burgin Kyle Swartzwelder
Davey O Benjamin Vo Blues Band Asaran Earth Trio Run the Willow
Cindy Alexander Kevin Fisher Gene Smith Band Denise Moser
Tamra Hayden House of Hamill Tattar Tucker Moog Jackson Lonnie Shields Band
Marion Halliday Lisa Jeanette Peter Calo Blue Bizness
Stevie and the Bluescasters Cody Fry BetterDucks Cliff Hillis & the Forward Thinkers
Windborne Hippies and Hillbillies Fast Eddie and the Slowpokes Kora Feder
The Philly Blues Kings The Naked Sun Love? Said the Commander Rootology
Cookie Rabinowitz Band Charles Walker Band Dante Frisiello Band David Coppa and Scrapple
Bob Beach & Paul Wilkinson Lisa Chavous & Philly's Finest Slim and the Perkolators Norman Nardini Band
Blue Plate Specials Hiroya Tsukamoto Venom Blues The Paul Waltz Band
Los Vagos Jazz Quintet Bonomo Malcolm Holcombe Durham County Poets
Robert Kimbrough Sr Blues Connection Arielle John Byrne Band Robin Bullock
Andy and Judy Daigle Lizzie and the Makers Carolann solebello & Joe Iadanza Biodun Kuti and the New Nigerian Gypsies
Riley Moore Edge Hill Rounders Marieme Tony TNT Jones & Lijnus
Craig Cardiff Julian Hartwell Project JP Soars and the Red Hots Scott Danger Bravo
Suzanne Cloud/Tyrone Brown/Tom Glenn Dave Weiner and the Philly Players Packrat's Smokehouse Christine Havrilla & Gypsy fuzz
Lansdowne Arts on the Avenue Festival Kristina Koller Mathew Gordon and Silvershade Scenery Swearingen and Kelli
Claude Bourbon Honey and Blue Sweet Leda Frogbelly and Symphony
Satellites 9000 Jazz Quintet Massimo Bevilacqua Billy Kemp Lizanne Knott/Lili Anel/Katherine Rondeau
Simon Purchase James Steve Katz The Coal Cave Hollow Boys Adam Flymo Birch and the Vershons
Andrea Carlson and the Love Police Elizabeth Cannon Band Jean Lenke David Mowry, Dale Melton, Bill Zinno
Tommy Froelich Band Philadelphia Jug Band Far Trio Soprano Meets Bass
Jack Stanton The Duvets Michael Spear Duo with Smilin' Ed Julia Levitina
Elsa Nilsson Quartet Dr. Emmanuel Angel Rustic Music Service Drew Nugent and the Midnight Society
Luke Jackson Big Boy Brass Jimmy Pritchard Blues Band MicroCorgi
Laura Cheadle Family Band King Solomon Hicks Frank Porter Jack West
Maci Miller Tom Craig Band Roger Girke Band James Dalton
Mr. Unloved JR Harrision Jackson Taylor Band Gabe Stillman Band
Skylar Love Alyssa Garcia Seamus Kelleher Bees Deluxe
View Finder Woehrwolf Sir Rod & the Blues Doctors Greg Sover Band
Philly Blues Kings Kricket Comedy Sean Britt Trio Kerry Kearney Band
Michael Falzarano Erin Coburn Rebecca Lang Fiorentino Emily Adams
Erin Harpe Country Blues Duo Dave Keller Band Hannah Stone Mean Wendy Band
Jeff Fetterman Band Kipani Future of the Blues Trae Sheehan
Nick Trill and the Thrillseekers Peter Dalton Ronstadt & Liz Cerepanya Carolyn Hester with Amy & Karla Blume Kara Grainger
Katie Henry Band MK & MM Quintet Kelly's Lot The Miners
Paul Saint John and the Nighthawks Annie Sumi & Travis Knapp The Blues Project Tas Cru & Mary Ann Casale
Groove Merchants Barrelhouse Zack Hammond Parijita
Kurt Crandall Bruce T Carroll Professor Louie and the Crowmatix Chris Timbers Band
Denise King The Nighthawks The Billy Price Band Mike Guldin & Rollers and Tumblers
Eliza Neals Settlement Music School Ella Gahnt Lucas Beltran
Paula Jones Terre Roche The Ross Osteen Band The Bruce Katz Band
Teresa James Bobby Gentilo Dana Cooper Make Music Philly - Paper Cathedral / Lonnie Griffiths
Ben Brandt and the Soul Miners Union Kirsten Maxwell Belle-Skinner Jose Gobbo Trio
Bill Toms and Hard Rain Alvin /frazier Mike Younger Chris Flynn
Deni Bonet Drivetime Nick Black Matt Walden
Mid-Autumn Moon Festival The Outcrops Harper and Midwest Kind Neil McGettigan and the Eleventh Hour
The Paul Nelson Band Michael St. John O'Rourke Jazz Quintet The Azures The Mikey Junior Band
The Girke-Davis Project Mikey Junior Gene and the Hurricanes Frets bridges and skins
Small batch bourbon onyx&honey Mack McDonald Maro Delo
Farrow Khadijah Renee Trio The Mike Montrey Band Sunny Bleau and the Moons
Matt Waters Band Tattat Tucker Moog & Martin The Lucky Losers Debra Devi
Tea Head Manali The Get Right Band Annika Horne
Suzie Telep Julie Charnet Starlene Bey Trudy Lynn
Swing That Cat Billy the Kid & the Regulators The Porkroll Project Watermelon Slim
Clay Melton Band The Neighbors Carolina Santos Montgomery Blues
Curtis Salgado Bluestime Children of Adam Band Ava Left
Katie Barbato Band The Herring Brothers The Pi Jacobs Band Duke Robillard
James Pace Band Jad Tariq Max Kaplan & the Magics Vakili Band
The Gretchen Emery Band The Cold Soil Drifters Stew Cutler & Friends Andrew Neu & Jason Long Quartet
John Nemeth and the Blue Dreamers The BC Combo The Empty Belly Band with Alabama Sam The Kelli Baker Band
Blues People River Lane Popa Chubby Hurricane in Blues
Neil Tapp Beaucoup Blues Ryan Hartt The Blacktails
Early Times and the High Rollers The Larry Price Quintet The Dave Keyes Band ft. Benny Turner LJR
Roberto Morbioli Mark Newman Band Nick Moss Band with Dennis Gruenling Steve Guyger and the Excellos
Callum Greto and the Flood Robert Lighthouse Jessica Smucker
Heather Aubrey Lloyd Resurrection of Screamin Jay Hawkins Band The Organization Steve Shanahan and the hitmen
Sean Chambers and the Savoy Brown Rhythm Section Prakash Slim The Claudettes Dan Zlotnick
Garry Cogdell John Brennan Valentina Sounds One Dime Band
The Lightning Xpress Rod Picott Dirk Quinn Band Jake Friel
Ty Stephens and (the) Souljazz Blues Muthas LilG Dennis McDonough
Ciara Grace & Gina Kaz Kane & Co JP Reali Band Slo and Shakey
Toronzo Cannon      


Jamey's House of Music, LLC
d.b.a. Jamey's House of Music

Venue physical address:
32 S Lansdowne Ave Lansdowne PA 19050
The property is commercially zoned in the central business district

Mailing address for CDs, press kits and posters:
5841 Overbrook Ave Philadelphia PA 19131

215-704-6980 for day of show tech contact - email or text preferred
215-879-1457 Fax
Contact: Jamey Reilly

Load-in time: 5:30 to 6:30pm
Sound-check time: 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Dinner service: 6:00 pm +
Friday/Saturday Show time: 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm
Kitchen closes: 9:30 pm
Venue closes: 10:30 pm

Set Format -
Solo act: one 90 to 120 minute max set (no intermission)
Co-bills: one 45 to 60 minute max set each (no intermission)
Opener: one 30 minute set / Headliner: one 90 minute set (no intermission)
No Intermission due to video broadcast

Note: Show video stream begins precisely at 8:00 pm whether or not you are on stage. Performance length cannot exceed 2 hours total due to the live streaming time limit. A 5 minute courtesy call will be given via intercom.

No attendant for CD sales / signing.

General admission seating.

Capacity: 60 venue total at dining tables.

Performance Format: Concert style listening during dinner service.

Band parking available for one vehicle at rear of venue by load in door. Additional parking in adjacent lots.

Equipment load-in through the stage door at rear.

This is a non-smoking, over 21 venue, under 21 must be accompanied by parent. Wheelchair accessible via rear entrance, 1 handicap parking spot. Ring bell for access.

We usually proceed on a verbal agreement, but will sign your contract if provided as long as it complies with our policies. In either case, please provide a stage plot or tech rider. We've built our good reputaion on trust... and it works both ways! Please don't cancel an engagement once it's confirmed, unless it is for an emergency. Our patrons expect us to live up to our billings. We are licensed and insured.

13' wide by 11' deep, 10" rise. Stage left access from green room. No legs, wings, backstage or curtain.

Green Room:
WiFi available. Heated and air conditioned. No private bathroom. Equipment/personal items lockup available, no lock on green room. Furnished with tables, chairs, sofa, full length mirror, privacy screen. Access from load-in door in private load-in area at rear of building. 24 hour video surveillance in operation.

We do not accommodate hospitality rider requests, dietary restrictions or meal buy-outs. We offer a 50% discount on all food and beverages.

We do not arrange, or pay for hotel accommodations or transportation. Should you require local accommodations, we have a standing arrangement with two of the finer hotels in the region.

The Delta Hotel by Marriott Philadelphia Airport (6.7 mi from our venue) offers a 15% discount off their best rate for single rooms, with deeper discounts for block bookings to artists performing at Jamey's House of Music. Contact Senior Sales Manager, Grace Susilo, at 484-498-3009 to arrange your reservation.

When you stay at Delta Hotels by Marriott Philadelphia Airport in Philadelphia, you'll be in the historical district, within a 15-minute drive of Wells Fargo Center and Citizens Bank Park. This hotel is 7.8 mi (12.6 km) from Lincoln Financial Field and 8.4 mi (13.6 km) from University of Pennsylvania.

Make yourself at home in one of the 348 guestrooms. Your pillowtop bed comes with down comforters and premium bedding. Cable television is provided for your entertainment. Private bathrooms with shower/tub combinations feature designer toiletries and hair dryers.

Take advantage of recreation opportunities such as a 24-hour fitness center, or other amenities including complimentary wireless Internet access and concierge services. This hotel also features wedding services, a television in a common area, and a ballroom.

Stop by the hotel's restaurant, Lounge 1643, for lunch or dinner. Dining is also available at the coffee shop/café, and room service (during limited hours) is provided. Quench your thirst with your favorite drink at the bar/lounge. Cooked-to-order breakfasts are served on weekdays from 6:00 AM to 1:00 PM and on weekends from 6:00 AM to 1:00 PM for a fee.

The Holiday Inn and Suites at the Drexelbrook Event Center (3 mi from our venue) offers Jamey's a 10% discount from their best rate. Link for special rate reservations.

When you stay at Holiday Inn & Suites Philadelphia W - Drexel Hill, an IHG Hotel in Drexel Hill, you'll be near the airport, within a 15-minute drive of University of Pennsylvania and Villanova University. This hotel is 7.6 mi (12.2 km) from Philadelphia Zoo and 8.4 mi (13.5 km) from Philadelphia Museum of Art.

QR code for making special rate reservations via smartphone:

Make yourself at home in one of the 100 air-conditioned rooms featuring refrigerators and flat-screen televisions. Cable programming and iPod docking stations are provided for your entertainment, while complimentary wireless Internet access keeps you connected. Private bathrooms have complimentary toiletries and hair dryers. Conveniences include laptop-compatible safes and desks, as well as phones with free local calls.

Enjoy recreation amenities such as a fitness center or take in the view from a terrace.

You can enjoy a meal at Street Light serving the guests of Holiday Inn & Suites Philadelphia W - Drexel Hill, an IHG Hotel, or stop in at the snack bar/deli. Wrap up your day with a drink at the bar/lounge. Cooked-to-order breakfasts are available daily from 6:30 AM to 11:00 AM for a fee.

Featured amenities include a 24-hour business center, dry cleaning/laundry services, and a 24-hour front desk. Free self parking is available onsite.

Back Line:
Bass amplifier is upstage left, drums are upstage center, guitar amps are upstage right, keyboard is downstage left, and main vocal mic is downstage center. We have a top-of-the-line Nord Stage 2, 88 key weighted action keyboard, a dual manual Hammond XK-5 organ with 3300 leslie, and very high end 4250 watt custom built active 4 way bass rig with a 21", 2 - 12", 2 - 8" and 2 bullet tweeters, Crest big iron amplification and a highly modified Demeter tube preamp or Sansamp RBI, and a tube rolled Fender Blues Deluxe, tube rolled Fender Vibrolux Reverb, Fender '64 Princeton Reverb Handwired reissue, Mark DV Jazz, and Peavey Bandit 112 amps onstage, and Fender 15" Bassman, Genz Benz Shuttle 6.0 or Bergantino Forte with 2-12" cabs, and custom built 2-8" with Sans Amp pre and QSC amp available for use if needed.

The drum kit is a craftsman hand made premium quality drum kit by Bucks County Drums with DW hardware and Zildjian cymbals. These gorgeous hand made custom drums have tone like nothing else out there. The unique shells are a patented innovation. They are comprised of a very thin maple/ash 6 ply shell which is fused to an inner solid mahogany wood shell in a vertical grain orientation, and a ground breaking edge profile. The result is astounding... drummers can now achieve a solid wood tonality yielding superb sound qualities, wide tuning range and stable tuning, minus all the negative overtones associated with some modern shells, and also minus the drawbacks of solid wood drums. The shells are finished in a satin hand rubbed black ebony veneer with single point chrome fittings and single ply Evans 360 heads. Of course, no kit would be complete without a DW 9120M heavy duty motorcycle seat throne!

Kit includes the following;
9" deep x 13" rack tom with DSS mount & bracket
8" deep x 10" rack tom with DSS mount & bracket
16" x 16" floor tom on legs & floating feet
6-1/2" x 14 Snare drum with DW 9000 air lift snare stand
16" x 22" kick drum with integral AKG D119 and muffler
Set of Zildjian cymbals:
18" K Constantinople crash; 10" A Custom splash
14" Hi Hat Mastersounds
21" Armand ride, 17" Platinum crash
Set Of DW 9000 series hardware w/ Pedal and Throne
3 - boom Cymbal arms and 1 stand 9700 series
1 - Hi hat stand 9500D
1 - Pedal DW CP9000
1 - Throne 9120M
Pearl Icon Rack System for toms and cymbals

Sony 3 CCD high definition robotic camera with PTZ control, HD SDI feed to BlackMagic Design 4K video capture including embedded stereo sound sub feed from board with comp/limiters, recorded to Blackmagic full uncompressed HD SSD recorder for a tapeless workflow, and live broadcast stream via vMix HD to your streaming provider. We also use a Sony handheld/tripod mount HDV video cam and Nikon still camera. Our editing is performed in Nuendo and Premiere.

We do band YouTube promotional video/audio recording and production for $125/hour. All you need is your instruments and we provide the full backline, stage, lighting, multitrack audio and one camera recording and the private use of our venue, with or without your invited guests. A second camera is $75/hour extra. We can provide you with raw files or a fully mixed and produced video ready for upload to your band pages. Kitchen service is optional at $100/hour including the chef. Full menu available at listed prices, including draft ales and ciders, wines.

(8) Par 56 white LED lighting fixtures. Single scene, RGB LED color stage wash, 8 par 65 color gel accent lights rigged on trussing, laser light room wash, follow spot, black lights, and strobe lights.

Midas Venice F 32 channel board, dedicated Xeon processor based workstation with 128 GB RAM and terabytes of storage and a 24 channel Lynx Aurora N convertor, running 64 bit Nuendo 13 for 24 track live recording up to 192 kHz/24 bit, and Wavelab 11 for mastering.
Lexicon PC92 stereo reverb, Lexicon MX400 and MX300 reverbs.
TC Electronic stereo rhythm delay.
Alesis master disk recorder.
24 channels of dbx and Drawmer compressor/limiters on mic inputs, and on all 8 outputs and groups.
8 channels of dbx noise gates.
Stereo mains with transformer coupled dbx program bus comp/limiters/line drivers.
Klark Teknik Graphic EQ on the mains and 1/3 octave graphics on the 4 monitor sends.
dbx feedback suppression on the mains and 4 monitor sends.
QSC two way 15" stereo mains double stack, with 2 JBL 18" subs - per side.
4 monitor mixes with JBL 10", 12" and 15" monitors, and hot spots as needed for fills. Four monitor mixes via Shure professional wireless in ear monitoring systems are available as well. Artists must supply their own ear buds with eighth inch strereo plugs.
Full selection of Sennheiser wireless, Shure, Sennheiser, Telefunken and AKG dynamic, Neumann, DPA and Shure condenser mics, assorted quality direct boxes by REDDI, BSS, Countryman and Radial, and straight mic stands or assorted boom stands by K&M.
We have aassorted music and guitar stands. An Epson projector and screen are available.

All live performances are (up to 24 live track) multi-track recorded off our Midas board via Nuendo 13 for archive. Multitrack 24 bit/96 kHz WAV audio and HD MP4 video files are available to you via Dropbox download for $100.

We have the ability to do private session 24 bit/192 kHz quality (up to 40 live input) multi-track session recording, with high end state of the art tube and solid-state preamps from D.W. Fearn, Amek Neve, Neve Designs, API, and Reilly Design with premium quality studio mics from Neumann, Telefunken, Sennheiser, AKG, Crowley and Tripp and Schoeps. We use a dedicated Xeon processor based workstations running Nuendo 13 and WaveLab 11 with Lynx Aurora converters, with Waves, Lexicon, Antares, Izotope and assorted other plug-ins.


Are you wheelchair accessible?: Yes, we are fully accessible, with a rear door entrance ramp, ADA compliant restroom and an accommodating seating area for listening and dining.
Do you sell alcohol?: Yes. We sell a dozen fresh ice cold beers on tap from Conshohocken Brewing Co, premium Pennsylvania wines and spirits. We are not a BYOB.
Do you give refunds?: Only if we cancel a show.
Do I need advance tickets?: No, but it provides a discounted price, and you might be turned away if the show is sold out.
Can you accommodate my food allergies?: Possibly. Get in touch ahead of time.
Do you sell takeout?: Yes, for orders placed on site.
Can I bring children?: Only if they are old enough to sit still and not bother other listeners. You decide. In general you must be 21 to enter without an adult.
Is there free parking?: Yes, the SEPTA lots next to us do not charge in the evenings, and some people park in the ALDI lot behind us.
Can I take pictures or videos with my cell phone?: Always ask the performers for permission. We don't have a fixed policy.
Can I reserve seats?: No, it is open seating.
Can I eat at my seat?: Yes! We have tables and chairs in the listening area allowing you to enjoy your dinner and drinks as you watch the music.
Do you rent your space for private events?: We occasionally rent out for select private events, along with our own staff with prices starting at $750 for 3 hours. Contact us.